What do we do to remedy that?
We rescue​:
Branded BLM mustangs and others from the kill pens.
Horses found wandering loose on the highways.
Horses whose owners’ finances have taken a downturn.
One More Chance was rescued from a kill pen
Then we work to:
Rehabilitate ALL these horses.
Recruit new volunteers to the soul-satisfying world of horse ownership.
Provide the gift of lessons, all the 24/7 support required for their success.
What exactly does this support and training involve?
Teaching a horse major ground manners:
To be led through a gate without rushing.
To be led anywhere on a slack line, without crowding or preceding the handler.
To load willingly into a trailer by simply being pointed at it, leadrope tossed up over neck as horse precedes handler in.
To stand tied without pawing, whinnying, or moving about.
To yield feet to be picked or trimmed without resistance.
To be sprayed with fly spray without moving.
To join up, so the horse can be caught out of a large pasture with no chasing, and can easily be taught any new thing, perceiving the horse handler as the “herd boss”, as he now does.
This also almost always involves teaching a horse to be a better mount:
To stand still to be mounted.
To stay standing still until cued to move off.
To yield to the bit.
To become supple enough to manage small circles, prompt departures from gait to gait,
And very importantly - To stop promptly when cued with that all-important word “whoa”!

One more Chance line driving with a volunteer.

Pirate being hosed down by a volunteer whilst ground tied.

Some like to hunt
And discovering a horse’s specialty skill:
That is, the thing(s) the horse enjoys doing most. Just like people, horses have preferences for what they like to do. Some horses love to jump, some love to barrel race, some love to foxhunt; we focus our training so the horse can become the best horse he or she was meant to be. We train some horses to drive a fancy carriage. We train some horses to surmount obstacles, to become competitive in the EXCA events. We train some horses to be hunter/jumpers and others to be useful foxhunters. We strive to train horses to be 100% quiet under all circumstances so they are safe for all riders, from beginner to advanced, from ages six to 60 (or beyond).

Some like to drive
What else do we do? ​
Horses require maintenance, so every day, before and after work, we get up and feed and water, doctor and groom, love on and work with our horses.

In between we:
Fix fence
Mow pasture
Chop tree limbs
Fix more fence
Clean tack
Muck stalls
Fix more fence
Teach riding lessons
School horses
Build and repair jumps and obstacles
Pull & spray weeds
Scrub water tanks
Fix more fence . . . (we have a lot of fence)
Feel free to come on by and say hello to us and the horses, learn more, or volunteer! We are always looking for volunteers to work with the horses or around the farm.
Email or call us to set up a time or stop on by.
Our Warriors will love you forever if you come bearing
