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Meet the Horses 


Dot arrived with Halcyone.  She is about 14.3 h.h. and only around 5 years old.  We named her that because even though she is a bright sorrel, up close you discover she has curious little white dots all over her.  She has no other sign of any Appaloosa blood, and she is supposedly Quarter horse, but as she has no papers, anything is possible.  She has been a sweetheart from the very first.  Already well joined up, she follows you around begging for attention.  She was pretty bonded to her original pasture mate Halcyone, but then she got fond of Cowboy (or he of her) and now that Cowboy has gone home, it remains to be seen who she will buddy with next.  She is not obnoxiously buddy-sour, thankfully, and so easy to train I have already let volunteers practice on even the more difficult things, with her, such as line-driving. She is ready to be backed!  I just have to find the time!  And the right volunteer!  Or wait for my knee to heal enough to be able to do it myself! 

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