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Meet the Horses 


I named Halcyone after my ballet mistress, Halcyone Perlman, of Columbia, MO,  because she moves like a ballet dancer, and also because she has a big  brand “H” on her hip.   She is a registered Quarter Horse (AQHA) on her papers, her registered name is “Badgers Grey H Power”.  She is a Cee Booger Red, Shislers Hancock bred mare.  They both go back to pretty famous horses, (Three Bars and King/Joe Hancock. respectively). She is now about sixteen years old.  When we first got her, she was hard to catch, aloof.   She improved by leaps and bounds, however.  She has been ridden by  over half a dozen different volunteers, and never given any of them the least amount of trouble.  She is soft and forward and eager to please.  She will require an equally soft and skilled adopter, she has made that clear:  we tried to adopt her out, once, and it was disastrous.  She was returned to us within two weeks completely unsound.  Her entire back was inflamed.  The woman admitted to having ridden her "more than once" in a saddle she knew didn't fit "but then she went and got a different one."As if that would repair the damage already done?   It took us four months with weekly MagnaWave sessions to regain her soundness.  Needless to say we will be way more careful, next time around, and we will vet any potential owner uber-carefully!  

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