Meet the Horses
The Bonnie Princess Obsidian

The Bonnie Princess Obsidian is an aged black Tennessee Walker mare who came to us from a woman who rescued her five years ago from a man who “always rode her too hard and put her up wet”. In the five years this kind Samaritan owned her, she still couldn’t put a whole lot of weight on her, so she had christened her “Bony”. (The man before had called her “Princess”.) I can’t bring myself to call any horse “Bony”, so one of the volunteers suggested we should morph that to “Bonnie”. One of the 4-Hers wanted to name her something honoring how black she is, and so suggested “Raven”. The only problem with that is, we already have a “Raven”, in that my personal horse (whom I now call “Cloudline”, in honor of the hunt club from which I purchased him) is actually registered with the Jockey Club as “Raven Mission”. How they came up with Raven Mission, or what that is supposed to mean, I have no idea. I wonder if maybe they meant “Raving Missile”, instead, and just didn’t know how to spell real well? “Raving Missile” makes a little more sense, for a racehorse, maybe? At any rate, for blackness, I like “Obsidian”; we can call her “Siddie”, for short. So, now safe at Sanctuary, we have the “Bonnie Princess Obsidian”. And a bonnie princess indeed, she is proving to be!