Meet the Horses
Melena Dorada

Melena Dorada was born in the BLM holding pens on April Fool’s Day. We named her “Melena Dorada”, which means “Golden Mane” in Spanish, because of her long, lovely, flowing, flaxen mane, and we call her “Mellie” for short, which also fits, because she is really mellow. You can see her mustang brand on the left side of her neck. We were not planning on adopting another horse, but the deal was too good to resist. It turned out I had enough credit on my BLM account to adopt her for free, and on top of that, since she is older than five years, she is eligible for me to get the $500 rebate after I have housed her for one year. Mellie has a unique marking (called a snip) on the end of her nose that looks like an arrow pointing straight up. We almost named her "This Side Up” because of that!